Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hello again!
Hi! I can't even remember the last time that I posted something on here! Well, I've got a lot of catching up to do! First, we sadly had to get rid of good ol' Reggie.... :( We had to get rid of him because Stocktin is allergic to EVERYTHING!!! Poor guy! Anyways, next, I am going into 8th grade!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO excited! I am also going to be able to graduate from 8th grade with all of my friends, because I am going to Ashton Ranch next year! WOOOOHOOOO! :) Plus, Girls Camp is coming up! Yay! Well, gotta go! Bye!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Oh my goodness!
I can't believe that I am going into young womens this year! Plus girls camp.... (which I am thrilled about!) A LOT has been going on lately and I haven't been able to post anything lately, so bare with me. :o) First order of buisness, my mom completed a sprint triathalon!! She did amazing! Next, Jordin is now old enough to go on trek! He is gone right now so, yeah.Then, I am going to girls camp, then I come home from that on my birthday! Anyways, I will post pics. up later about all this, but for now, Bye!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Oh my goodness! I have so much that I need to catch up on! AHHHH! We better hurry up! NO TIME TO LOOSE! Okay........ First order of business, I got a new puppy! This is kind of sad, because we got him in August last year in 2008. He is the cutest pug that I have ever seen! I don't have any pictures of him at the moment, but I will be sure that I post some in the near future.
Name: Reggie
Birthday: February 19.
Gender: Male
Second, I am going into young women's this year! I can't wait! I am so excited to be able to go to girls camp this year! WOOHOO!
I still have TONS more things to tell you, but I can't think of it right off the top of my head. SO.................................... This is the most recent. I AM GETTING HOME SCHOOLED NOW! I think that it is going to be awesome and really stink all at the same time. It's going to stink because i am not going to be able to see my friends everyday, but everything else is going to be awesome! If you think about it, you will only have to go to school for about 2 1/2 hours of school everyday, and you get to stay home. My mom just pulled me and Kade out of school on Friday, and she already gave me my first assignment! how crazy is that?!?!?! I have to do a report on koalas and present it to my family. AHHHHHH!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
My BiRtHdAy!!!!! 11

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I can't believe it! It's almost my birthday! I will be turning 11! WOW! Next year I will be going to girls camp and will be turning 12. And then there's the, Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I'm almost 11! what am I going to do with myself! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Well, there's a few possibilities. I could babysit for some people and earn some extra money, OR sit around on the couch and get fat. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Tough decicion...................................................I think that i want to babysit when I turn 11.
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hello! These past few days, I have been at my Aunt Jami's house in Gilbert because she had surgery. I stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights. I was busy watching Brooklin and Kole, while Linkin was at my grandma's. The first day was just getting used to the house. Day number 2, we decided to go to the movies and we watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Surprisingly, we thought that it was pretty good! :o) Kole Definately liked it!
And of course, Brooklin wanted to see a barbie movie.
On the last day that I was there, We went to the gym that my Aunt goes to and we went swimming there. Oh boy was that fun!
Did I mention that Brooklin NEVER goes to sleep? Well, there you go! I enjoyed every single minute of being there and THANK YOU AUNT JAMI!!!!!!
After I got home, my eyes started to hurt from the water at the pool. My mom said to wait and see if it felt better AFTER the gym. Well, they didn't. After the miserble time at the gym, we went to Burger king. When we were just about to leave,.......................................... MY EYES!!! My dad went and got me some eye drops and when he put them in, They burned and burned and burned and burned and burned,(I think you get the point) Well, it burned. ALOT! Well, I got over that and, Well, here am! Although it was hecktic, I got through it in one piece.
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